Impact Stories

2022 Medical Outreach In Chamba Ends Successfully

With a cast of about 60 personnel made up of Doctors, Physician Assistants, Laboratory Technicians, Pharmacists, Nurses, Missionaries and Volunteers; Theovision embarked on its annual week-long medical outreach in the Northern region of Ghana, specifically in the Nanumba District, from August 20 to August 28, 2022.

The team spent two days each in Afayili, Chamba and Kukuo, providing free medical care, prayers, counselling, and donations to over 17 surrounding villages that are extremely isolated and have inadequate access to healthcare. This medical outreach has made a lot of positive impact on the people. Theovision had brought an entire hospital into these communities. This outreach has provided healing and counselling for the troubled and at the same time, the gospel was preached, many souls were won and lives were transformed.

The whole outreach procedure was set up such that, after the team arrived and exchanged greetings with the chiefs and elders of the community, patients queued to see the doctors to receive treatment. While patients were waiting to be attended to, the Audio Bible was also being played in their heart language engaging them with God’s Word and healing. After that, the patients were given their medications, after which they went to the Mercy Ministry to hand pick from a range of clothing, shoes, and bags. There were volunteers who ensured that the venue was in order and helped with the translation of their native language for effective communication between the medical team and the patients.

The team confronted a few emergency cases, and in some of the emergency cases, IV Fluids were administered on the grounds to treat some complications. In an interview with some of the health personnel, they identified more malaria cases, body pains and a lot of low haemoglobin levels (anaemia) and many teenagers testing positive for pregnancy, without some even knowing that they were pregnant.

The Children’s Ministry was also staffed with lovely volunteers who gathered over 200 children each day, teaching them action songs and Bible verses. At the end of the outreach, 721 people were screened in Afayili, 886 patients in Chamba and 541 patients in Kukuo. We also registered a total of 451 children and aged on the National Health Insurance Scheme. About 355 souls were also won to the glory of God.  

Through the support of our cherished partners, this year’s outreach program has helped augment the already existing but inadequate health care service in Chamba and its environs, through consortia of the local health directorate in Bimbila. It’s been a great joy serving the people of Afayili, Chamba and Kukuo. We thank God that throughout the outreach, we have been able to reach over 2,000 people including children.  

Thank you for your prayers and support through this life transforming journey in Chamba and its environs.

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