Impact Stories

The Nzema Audio Bible: A Tool For Redemption Unto Christ!

Mr. Barnabas Elliah Asebiah is a Methodist Church evangelist who has been facilitating Theovision’s Bible listening group in New Kabenla-Suazo, a community located in the Jomoro Municipal District of the Western Region since 2020. “With the help of the audio Bible in the Nzema language, I have been able to reach many people with the Word of God, and many lives have been transformed.”

The discovery of oil in commercial quantities by Ghana in 2007 brought about the demarcation of New Kabenla-Suazo as part of the communities within the Petroleum Hub Project. For obvious reasons, this paved way for some of the youth to gain temporal jobs and make some money. As a result, a few young people started leading wayward lives such as smoking marijuana, using drugs, alcoholism, etc. With this sudden exhibition of rebellion by the youth, Mr. Asebiah decided to play the audio Bible in public spaces where the youth frequently congregate to socialize.

“After about 5 months of gathering to listen to the Word of God in the Nzema language, their lifestyles began to change. The audio Bible was producing results faster than I had anticipated. Many of them who previously indulged in the use of drugs and were struggling with addiction have repented and accepted Jesus as their Lord and saviour. One of these young people is currently undergoing rehabilitation at a clinic in the nearby village called Ekpu.  

I want to express my gratitude to God, Theovision and her cherished partners for sending us the audio Bible in Nzema language to aid in spreading the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Mr. Barnabas Elliah Asebiah testifies.

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