Impact Stories

Peace At Last!

“Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14: 27 NIV).

“As a commercial motorcyclist, I spend most of my day on the streets to make ends meet, and even when I do not have to go to work, I find excuses to be out of the house because for some years now, there has not been peace in my home.

Throughout the years I’ve known my wife, she has displayed certain traits that have been quite a challenge. She has a quick temper, making it impossible for her to build and maintain relationships with others, including family members. She prefers to stay indoors and avoid conversations with others. She and my mother don’t see eye to eye and both have a tendency to become easily angered, leading to frequent conflicts, causing me distress and a lack of peace of mind.” Mr. Augustine Yaw Nyameke explained.

“Serving as the leader of the Bible listening group in my community, how do I share God’s Word with people and still not get to enjoy that same peace of God others are enjoying as the result of listening to the audio Bible.

After work one evening, I came to meet my wife and mother in a heated argument at home. I walked past them and went to pick up the audio Bible playback device. I started playing it from Hebrews 12 in the Nzema language. The audio Bible kept playing until Hebrews 12:14 was read; “Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” As these words filled the house, they stopped arguing  immediately.

Since that night, my wife and my mother have become regular listeners of the audio Bible in Nzema. My wife gets along well with others, including my mother, to the extent that she regularly visits my mother on the farm to help her. It is always a joy to see both of them doing housework together.  

At last, there is peace in my home, and I am very thankful to the Almighty God, Theovision International, and its partners for bringing the audio Bible listening program to Adusuazo in the Western region of Ghana.

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