Impact Stories

In the mist of chaos, God continues to speak.

Rachel Martey is a 17-year-old high school junior living in Abotereye. Being affected by the pandemic, Rachel had to move back home from Kumasi in the middle of the school year due to the COVID-19. When she came home, her parents who are both Bible Listening group facilitators in her village had an Audio Bible in the Fante language. She took interest in playing the audio Bible as she realized she can follow through with her own Fante Bible. She would invest her time throughout the day to play the audio Bible and listen to the Word of God in her language while reading her Bible. The Bible started ministering to her as she reached Matthew 5:44 “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”.

This passage made me realized that “hurt people, hurt people” says Rachel. Initially, when people around me use to hurt my feelings and stop talking with me, I will accept it and keep my distance.  From the moment I heard the Bible say: “love your neighbours and pray for your enemies”, I decided to make the effort to approach the people around me and try to heal what wounds our relationship. I approached hurt with love and always tried my best to be good to everyone around me. I practiced the act of forgiveness even when I was offended by others to keep peace. The audio Bible has helped me so much. I have totally fallen in love with the Word of God because I understand it better now.

With your help, people like Rachael can learn so much in these times with an Audio Bible. We will like to say thank you, for your continuous support. Your giving works to make all hear God’s voice and be transformed.

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