Impact Stories

“I Used To Struggle To Find Scriptures”

“At the slightest provocation, my temper rises, but that has diminished as a result of my regular listening to the Audio Bible. Also, I used to struggle to find scriptural references for sermons I preached at church, but listening to the Audio Bible has made it much easier for me to find scriptures for sermons. My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ has also grown significantly as a result of the program. Furthermore, the Audio Bible has made learning God’s word more convenient because I can now study God’s word anywhere and at any time.

Through the listening of the Audio Bible, some community members who had stopped attending church have resumed. Also, conflicts and misunderstanding among people in the community has been reduced. The Xekpoe community is thankful to Theovision and her partners for reaching us with the Word of God”. ~ Jonathan Borbi, the Bible listening group leader testified.

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